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Difference between Black Steel Pipe and Galvanized Steel Pipe
Date:2019-06-10      View(s):1383      Tag:Difference between Black Steel Pipe and Galvanized Steel Pipe
Black steel pipes and galvanized steel pipes are two of the most common pipes used to transport liquids and gases. They have several similarities. Many people confuse one person with another. What are the main differences between black steel pipe and galvanized steel pipe? Black steel pipes and galvanized pipes are made of steel, but galvanized pipes have zinc coating and black pipes do not, so galvanized pipes are more expensive and durable. For transportation, black steel pipe is easier to corrode than galvanized pipe, so it is more suitable for conveying gas. Galvanized pipe is suitable for conveying water rather than gas.

The galvanized pipe is coated with zinc, which makes it more resistant to corrosion and helps to prevent mineral accumulation, thus blocking the pipeline. Galvanized pipes are mainly used to carry water from home and commercial buildings; they can also be used as scaffolding frames because of their rust-proof properties. Black steel pipe is made seamlessly, which makes it a better way to transport natural gas. It can be used in fire sprinkler system because it can prevent fire better than galvanized pipe. Because it has a dark surface formed by iron oxide in the manufacturing process, it is called black steel pipe. The main difference between steel pipe and galvanized pipe lies in the surface. Black steel pipes are uncoated and steam-free, so they are widely used to transport gases such as propane and natural gas to residential and commercial buildings.

The surface of galvanized pipe has zinc, so minerals will gradually fall off and plug the pipe over time. This will lead to an outbreak. In view of this, it is dangerous to transport gas through galvanized pipes, so it is usually used to carry water. On the other hand, black steel pipes are not suitable for water transportation. Black steel pipes tend to corrode in water. Minerals in the pipes dissolve into the water and clog the pipes.

Generally speaking, black steel pipes are cheaper than galvanized ones. This is due to the zinc coating on the galvanized tube and the manufacturing process.  Black steel pipe maintenance rate is low; its cost is low. In many people's eyes, black steel pipe and galvanized steel pipe look similar. So how to distinguish the two pipelines? There are three main approaches. First, you can check the color of the pipe. Black steel pipe is darker than galvanized pipe; it is flat black, while galvanized pipe is silver and gray. Secondly, galvanized pipes are usually used for water transportation and black pipes for gas transportation. You can distinguish between them by the materials they carry. Finally, you can learn about the pipelines used in a year. Black steel pipes are later used than galvanized ones. If pipes were installed after the 1950s, they might be black steel.

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