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The weld edges heated temperature
Date:2019-07-20      View(s):1240      Tag:The weld edges heated temperature
Keywords: weld
(LSAW - Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welding) Same as manual welding (LSAW - Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welding), the same as manual welding of LSAW-longitudinal submerged arc welding. This place is the mold residue, but the slag is not the coated electrode. It is designed to melt flux. The coating system includes a funnel that is welded to the front of the flux by a pipe.

The diameter of the five-wire submerged arc welding wire should be selected according to the welding current. When the current 5 wires are adapted to the current range within the same wire diameter, the same wire diameter combination can be used. The five-wire submerged arc welding current and arc voltage can be set to a large current of 1 wire, and the voltage gradually transitions to five wires and small currents and voltages. In the case where the current general decline of 10% to 30% of the line is gradually reduced, the gain of the arc at a voltage of 1 to 3 V gradually increases.

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